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COLLOIDAL HEALTH SOLUTION - The Silver Solution Spray 110ml
Colloidal Health Solutions - The Silver Solution (Colloidal Silver)
The Silver Solution technique results in a crystal clear, high energy, high quality, Ionic-Colloidal Silver that has benefited thousands of New Zealanders with not a single reported negative reaction in 20 years of manufacturing.
Don't let sickness keep you down
Colloidal Silver has been used successfully as a natural support to the body's immune system for over thirty years and has a growing worldwide consumer following.
Who should take The Silver Solution?
Anyone who is struggling with their health.
Those wanting to support the body's natural immunity and defences.
Those wanting support for the body cope with the winter ills and chills and with the immune defences in the eyes, nose and mouth.
Suitable for the whole family
Gentle, easy-to-drink, high-quality dietary supplement.
Has an excellent safety profile when used as directed.
Not known to interfere with any medication, or cause side effects.
Active Ingredients:
Pure De-ionised water
10mg/L (10ppm) of Pure Silver
Drink: As required or take sublingually (under the tongue) additionally it can be sprayed.
Special directions: For best results take colloidal silver straight without mixing with juice other additives.
Dosage: Follow the instructions on the label (10-20mls per day) or as directed by your health professional.
For a powerful boost 100ml, twice per day maybe taken but not recommended for more than 2-3 days, if taking large dosages drink extra water, however not at the same time as the colloidal silver - unless you are wanting to get the colloidal silver further down your small intestine, if this is the case then also supplement with a pro-biotic (eg natural yoghurt).
Frequency: Take Colloidal Silver daily or as required. May be taken with or without food.
Pregnancy: *No known problems.
Breast feeding: *No known problems.
Adverse side effects: *No known problems.
Antacids: *No known problems.
Reaction to medication: *No known problems.
Reaction to medical conditions: *No known problems.
Toxicity: *No known problems.
Overdose: *No known problems.
Addiction: *Non-addictive.
Allergic reaction: *Non-allergenic.
**when taken at recommended dosages.
Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.
Storage: Keep out of direct sunlight, store at room temperature, away from magnetic or electrical fields.
Extended Information:
What is colloidal?: Colloidal means fine particles held in fluid suspension. All life occurs and lives naturally in the colloidal state. Our blood functions in a constant colloidal state.
Is colloidal better?: Yes, because our blood is colloidal, it is the ultimate form for intake and absorption. The body cannot use crystalline or tablet form without first converting it, this leaves unwanted crystalline wastage for your body to eliminate.
Is Silver safe?: Three international studies found the average daily diet contained silver between 30-100mcg's; as silver is a natural part of our daily diets our bodies are familiar with silver. EPA indicates silver to be non-toxic and non-carcinogenic at prescribed levels.
Is silver a toxic heavy metal?: Silver, as a metal, is inert and is one of the noble metals. Like copper, iron, zinc and other elements, silver mineral ore can be produced into a metal, or for nutritional benefit. Will Colloidal Silver kill the good bacteria in my intestine? The simple answer is no, as it is absorbed into the first 30cm of the small intestine (the average adults small intestine is approx six metres long), however if you are wanting to get colloidal silver into your large intestine you would need to drink 100mls and 3-4 large glasses of water or it will not reach that area.
Will I get Argyria? No, only if you use homemade solutions, or some other weird solution that is not a true 10ppm electro colloidal silver. See Regarding Argyria for further information.
How long can I take it for?: Daily, as a nutritional supplement.
What is the shelf life?: Three years plus.
Can give it to my pets?: Yes, The Silver Solution is just as beneficial for animals as humans; place a portion in the drinking water of cats, dogs, birds, and horses, or in fish tank etc.
Is homemade colloidal silver safe?: Homemade (2nd generation) colloidal silver lacks strict, controlled manufacturing procedures and the purity of basic raw materials, the dangers exist by producing a solution that may also contain toxic substances, namely silver chloride, silver sulphate etc. At best it is an inferior quality solution with a very low bioavailability and shelf life, at worst it is toxic and possibly dangerous. It is also very risky making something so scientifically technical at home without proper analysis. Note: nearly every modern case of Argyria reported is from homemade solutions and people drinking silly amounts of it.
Are all colloidal silvers the same?: No, Colloidal Health Solutions Ltd has the expertise to manufacture most types of solutions. The Silver Solution is 3rd generation colloidal silver, it is without the failings of 1st and 2nd generation solutions. The secret is in the process not the quantity of silver; The Silver Solution should outperform other solutions that have many times the silver content.
In attempting to make colloidal silver, 1st generation solutions were a crude shadow of those being produced day, they consisted of large ground or chemically dissolved silver particles and stabilised with proteins, they were effective but caused a greying of the skin, also they were unstable falling out of suspension after only a few days. 40 years later in the 1970's the technology was invented to create much-improved 2nd generation colloidal silver. 3rd Generation colloidal silver was invented in 1995 creating a superior process easily outperforming other solutions. Now with new technology, advanced solutions like The Silver Solution are produced, they are more effective, contain no additives or stabilisers and remains in excellent condition for years. In today's market it is important to note that there are varying types of colloidal silver available, all with varying results.
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